One to never shy away from the call for regeneration, I am not so interested in the story of happy ending or fairytale but that of transmutation and alchemy. That fantastic, brilliant being you can become when you turn toward the things you thought might break you. The radiance and fortitude that comes from turning in, turning toward. The cycles of life, the cycles of our personal seasons. What lies closest to your heart? What makes you the one, unique true being that you are?

I chose to become a therapist to offer to others, especially my queer community, a gift that has so profoundly shaped and shifted my life. For decades I have worked with and learned from an amazing lineage of clinicians and healers. Through this work I’ve been able to hold, heal and integrate traumas that came from generations before me with the aim of allowing myself and the generations after me to live their souls purpose.

Healing is not just for ourselves but for the people around us and the world we live in.

With love,


I hold an MA in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and was trained at ICC - Church Street. My undergraduate work was completed at UC Davis in Comparative Literature.


Gaylesta - Board Member

CAMFT and SFCAMFT - member